I've been reading all around the forum and the general consensus is that healers are needed. i'm gonna say this, a Good tank will make up for a bad healer any day, but a good healer will not make up for a bad tank. I don't care if you have the best 3 Healers from our server assigned on a tank, if he or she is getting crit and crushed, they will not be able to keep him up. There are a few people who don't have guild runs of kara because their guild is past it, Valfor is one i know of, he is a prot pally with about 16k hp unbuffed. He can MT Maiden. which is amazing for a pally. If you are looking at a warrior or pally tank, look for around 500 defense, this will make them uncrittable and uncrushable. druid tanks need 415 defense, any more is wasted. Like i said earlier, if your MT is taking Big hits, you honestly can't keep them up. we have a druid MT gruul and Magtheridon weekly and she has about 9900 unbuffed in caster form, but fully raid buffed, food, stamina buff from priest, BoK, gets her up around 17k in bear form. I'd say another thing is if you have an inexperienced group, make sure and tell anyone you PuG this.