We were on guildchat the other night and came up with a good idea. Have a guild crafting party in Stormwind on a weekend. The purpose is to level up your crafting while helping the guild out and yourself.
You want pots? bring mats and the alchemist will make them for you. Want armor kits? have the Leatherworkers make you some. Want enchants? save all your loot for DEing and mats.
Think of it as a Crafting potluck. Whatever extra stuff you have bring it because it can be used for something. If we are better equipped leveling is becomes a lot easier.
Please let me know if this Memorial weekend os good or if we should bump it to the next weekend? Also start putting in things that you need/want and things that you have.
Also in preparation travel your toons to SW so it is easier to twinkthem out
Let me know what you all think.